Get your free Menopause weight loss Workshop!

Want 8 Things to Do to Lose the Menopause Weight?

  • Understand the reason why other diets aren't working anymore.
  • Want to know how to lose your menopause belly so you can tuck your shirt in again?
  • Tired of gaining & feeling like there's nothing you can do about it? Get the workshop and learn how to start losing again.

Get the free video workshop and learn what you need to do to lose weight if you're over 40!

This is step #1 in my proven framework: The 40+ Formula for Weight Loss & Well Being.

Understand why menopause makes weight loss harder & what you need to do to start losing faster.

"I'm down 16 lbs. and I feel great. While I'm glad to be losing weight, honestly, I just feel better. I've tried all the fad diets. If they worked, I wouldn't be working with Cindy"
-Michelle G.

Your body is completely different now. You need a weight loss approach that's different also.

Get the program designed exclusively for women over 40!

Cindy Topel, Certified Weight Loss & Mindset Coach and Owner of Rethink Weight Loss.

  • Learn the 5 key things causing you to gain weight.
  • Understand how to reduce inflammation and belly fat.
  • Get the 8 things your body needs daily to lose weight.
  • And the #1 thing you need to reduce in your diet for the biggest impact.

Ready to get started?

Get the Free Menopause Weight Loss Workshop today.

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